Sunday, December 30, 2012

Set the Children Free!!

Set the Children Free!!

As a mom and an educator I spend a lot of my time thinking about what is "appropriate" or "safe" for kids to do.  So-called "experts" are constantly bombarding parents and teachers with information on how to raise children in a safe and healthy world.  We hear advice about how to protect our children from harm or illness.  I, like most other parents, want my kids to grow up healthy and safe - that is not a debatable point.  However, the way in which we are encouraged to keep kids safe pretty much amounts to the retardation of natural child development.

When I look around school campuses today, I see things that horrify me.  Swings sets have been taken out of most school play grounds.  Running is not allowed if the kids are on asphalt.  Kids are placed in time out for play wrestling.  Dirt is not for digging in but rather it is for looking at.  Trees are not for climbing, they are for shade only.  I could go on about the many things that are "against the rules" at schools and, unfortunately, I think are also against the rules in many homes. 

I said these rules are in place under the guise of keeping kids "safe."  This is a blatant lie.  The reason for these rules is fear.  Fear that if a kid gets hurt at school a parent will sue.  And by the away, parents do sue schools daily for these types of things.  We as parents have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into believing that there is fault in childhood hurts and someone (mainly schools) must pay.  I have news for all parents out there:  Kids are supposed to fall down!!!  Kids are supposed to get hurt occasionally!!!  Do you want to know why?  Kids need to learn how to operate and control their bodies.  They do this by trial and error.  Yes, trial and ERROR.  When we deny kids the opportunity to use their bodies for climbing, running, and falling, they are not allowed to develop the skills necessary to manage themselves. 

Battle scars from tree climbing - yes they hurt but the kids were so proud of conquering that tree!!
 Humans develop our large muscle groups first and then our small muscle groups kick in (think top to bottom and inside out).  Babies first learn to sit, then crawl, then walk -these are large muscle activities.  While they are trying to walk, they fall.  This teaches them the limitations and abilities in their bodies.  The quickly learn that if they try to move fast, they will probably fall.  So, they slow down and master walking before they can run.  Young kiddos are no different - its just at a different speed.  If they run too fast, they fall (and yes, horror of horrors, might get scraped).  So they slow their run until they are coordinated enough to go faster. 

My daughter has mastered fast - you need fast when you're trying to fly a kite with no wind.
Climbing is the same process.  They need to master small obstacles and then NEED to master larger climbing structures.  Climbing develops their core strength, their upper body strength, and it forces them to push the limits of their balance and reflexes.  If they slip, they need to be able to catch themselves.  There is a whole lecture I am not getting into about sensory development that fits in here - I will leave that up to my occupational therapy friends.

You don't need special climbing equipment - a simple fence or tree will do
All of this should happen daily for kids.  When our schools or homes punish kids for doing these activities, we are denying them natural development.  This can have drastic consequences.  If kids don't know how to manage their bodies and haven't had opportunities to develop those large muscle groups, how can we expect them to sit properly in a chair for hours which requires developed core strength?  Or use their fingers (small muscles) to write when their upper body strength has not been develope?  As a teacher,  I can attest to the fact that kids today are so "protected" (aka denied) they are having many behavioral and academic problems that lead to a whole host of other issues.  So please, if you care about child development, let our children be free to develop.  Let them run, let them climb, let them fall.  It it amazing to watch what happens when a kiddo is allowed to do what their body tells them they should.

Lastly, if you feel the need to sue because your child got hurt doing these things, you are denying other children their development and I hold you personally responsible for the retardation of our youth.