I have a very dear friend who I always think of as the one person who has grown into adulthood with me. Since I did not ask permission to use her name online, I will simply call her J. J and I met over eleven years ago when I had just left college and she was in her first year of college.
I had graduated from UCSB with a degree in directing and, shockingly enough, had no job prospects. I went to a temp agency and they placed me as an operator in a company that made breast implants (after 6 months you earned a free pair - who says corporate isn't generous?). Needless to say, I hated it so I quit after three weeks. That day there was an add in the paper for a job at a local private preschool. I had worked in a preschool in college so I applied. After getting the job, I was introduced to this young blond girl who would train me on my responsibilities as the aid in the 2-year old room. That day I met a girl who will be a true forever friend of mine.
J and I several years ago - pre Mommy-hood. Notice there are no dark circle under our eyes and we're in a bar. |
When I say that J and I grew into adulthood together I mean that every major life happening that occurs once you turn 18 happened at or near the same time for us. We did our nights out on the town, trips to Vegas, and enjoyed to the Santa Barbara lifestyle together. In 2002 we met our future husbands and moved in together. Shortly after that both of us were engaged and our weddings were 364 days apart. My anniversary is July 18th and hers is July 17th.
My little man and me in 2009 |
The last major adult step we both took was mommy-hood. I had kids in 2007 and 2009, she had her first in 2008 and number 2 is due in two months. This brings me to my real focus for this post. J and I live about two hours apart now and try to get together when life allows. We also try to hold the occasional phone conversation. Yesterday was one of those times we decided to attempt some girl phone time. If any of you have small children and have ever tried to be social on the phone, you can probably guess what happened. During our selfish 10 minute attempt at conversation, my daughter grabbed a handful of rice and threw it across the kitchen floor, my son had screaming fit because his sister stole his toy, J's son was battling a melting Popsicle while watching his Daddy move large furniture, and in general they were all yelling for a thousand other reasons in attempts to get our attention (well, if I am honest, mine were yelling and her son was much calmer). To top off the cacophony that was our three kids, J's phone and mine kept cutting each other off. I am starting to think the three of them were also somehow able to manipulate the phone company onto their side so we would have technical difficulties. Both of our phone signals were going in and out so most of the conversation consisted of the following phrases: "Can you hear me?;" "Hang on a second;" "No you may not grab that;" "You are not making good choices right now;" "I'm sorry, my kids are going nuts;" and "Are you still there?" It is as if kids see you pick up the phone, can sense you really are interested in the person on the other end, and silently think, "So you think you can talk? We'll teach you." Finally, J and I raised the white flag and gave up on the phone call. We will be seeing each other next weekend for some girl time and realized that was going to have to do. Of course as soon as I hung up, my kids became interested in some cartoon and were fairly calm. If you don't believe toddlers/youngsters are calculating, you are gravely underestimating the youth : ) Its a good thing they're cute.
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