More Cakes and Ale
I have been writing a blog about mice infestations for the past several weeks and have enjoyed the experience more than I would have thought. Writing seems to be a very relaxing activity for me and I came to realize there were so many other facets of life that interest me. My sister is also interested in writing so we came up with an idea to write about our life experiences as a way to chronicle our family's happenings. So, we have both started new blogs about our lives and interests. Our hope is to branch out to our cousins and try to form a web of living and sharing. If you choose to follow my rantings, please also follow my sister's blog: I hope you enjoy both.
My sis, daughter, and me
To begin my new blog, I feel I need to explain why I chose the name More Cakes and Ale. Some of you reading this are familiar with my past and know I studied theater. I hold a degree in directing for stage. If you didn't know that but have met me face to face, you probably guessed that I had some sort of theater ties based on the dramatic nature of my personality. The title is actually a direct quote from my favorite Shakespeare play, Twelfth Night. The actual line is:
"Dost thou think, because thou art
virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale (please forgive my bastardization of the iambic pentameter)?"
I had the privilege to see this play in London at the Globe Theater produced as it originally appeared with an all male cast - a lifetime highlight to be sure. So the first reason for the title is a simple love for the play and theater itself. Secondly, I watched that play with my sister as we traveled throughout the UK and Europe. Twelfth Night represents a family memory and new experiences. I hope to share my new experiences with all of you. The next reason is the vocabulary itself represents some of my favorite things - good food and a good drink. Enjoying food and drink will come up frequently in this blog since I think about what I consume all the time. The last reason I choose the title is it reminds me of laughter and happiness. I hope to share happiness with anyone who wishes to spend a moment with me. You can do that in the flesh or by taking a few minutes to read my whirlwind of thoughts. No matter how we spend time together, there should always be more cakes and ale.
We have certainly enjoyed our share of cakes and ale in our travels! Love the name!
ReplyDeleteThe story behind this blog and it's title are delightful, inspiring even! Thank you for continuing in your writings. You tell an enjoyable tale and your humor gives me attacks of smiles ad laughter.